President of Simply Driven Executive Search A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Kent Burns, Featured in The Union, The truth about who reads your resume – and the tricks to impress them


President of Simply Driven Executive Search A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Kent Burns, Featured in The Union, The truth about who reads your resume – and the tricks to impress them

Dallas, TX 1/14/2014

By Dawn Klingensmith

Of course jobseekers want to impress whoever reads their resumes, but they probably don’t give much thought to the actual individual. They don’t try to picture that person, let alone put themselves in her shoes. Perhaps they should. After all, this solitary gatekeeper determines their fate.

They would rather be doing something else. Managers reading your resume have more pressing things they could be doing. HR folks “have looked at 500 resumes already in the last two hours,” says Kent Burns, President of Simply Driven Executive Search, a Sanford Rose Associates firm based in Indianapolis. They simply aren’t jazzed about your resume – unless you give them a reason to be.

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Bob Hadick, President of Russ Hadick & Associates - A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices Featured in Engineer Jobs, Is a Mechanical Engineering Master’s Worth It?
CEO of HireEducation - A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Mark Phillips, Featured in Monster, Recruiting and Hiring Advice