The Sanford Rose Associates® Executive Search Network Expands With Opening of Sanford Rose Associates® – Burnett Group

November 25, 2014

The Sanford Rose Associates® Executive Search Network Expands With Opening of Sanford Rose Associates® – Burnett Group

Sanford Rose Associates® Executive Search Network expands its footprint with the opening of Sanford Rose Associates® – Burnett Group.

Ken Burnett is the President of Sanford Rose Associates® – Burnett Group, an executive search firm specializing in mid-to-senior level positions within the construction, janitorial products and services, food service and consumer packaged goods (CPG) industries with particular strengths in sales, marketing, business and product development management, purchasing and procurement positions.

Ken brings a wealth of knowledge with more than 25 years of executive management experience in numerous industries. He has held senior positions, which involved leading domestic and international business development, sales and marketing teams in major U.S. and international corporations, startup companies and private equity. With the launch of Sanford Rose Associates® – Burnett Group, Ken brings the critical knowledge and skills to find the leaders that companies need to face the dynamic changes of the future.

“We are excited to add an executive management veteran like Ken to our established network of Owners who come from industries with a proven track record of success. With the launch of Sanford Rose Associates® – Burnett Group, Ken brings the critical knowledge and skills to find the leaders that companies need to achieve their next level,” states Jeff Kaye, Co-Senior Managing Director of Sanford Rose Associates International, Inc.

SRA International, Inc. awards a limited number of independently owned franchises each year; this high level of exclusivity has ensured the brand and reputation of Sanford Rose Associates remain unparalleled in terms of professionalism, performance, and service that exceeds their clients’ expectations.

“It is a real honor to be a part of the Sanford Rose Associates network and join with the best talent in the executive search industry. I’m confident that by leveraging the immense resources and proven best practices of Sanford Rose Associates International, Inc. and the global reach of IESF, we can help our clients continue to grow by ‘Finding People Who Make A Difference®,’ ” says Ken Burnett, President of Sanford Rose Associates® – Burnett Group.

Executive Search Review recognized the totality of the Sanford Rose Associates network as being one of the Top 11 Search Firms in North America. Over the course of the past five decades, the Sanford Rose Associates network has expanded to over 60 offices worldwide with offices in North America and Asia.

Bob Hadick, President of Russ Hadick & Associates - A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices Featured in Aspen Times, Think Like An Inventor
The Sanford Rose Associates® Executive Search Network Opens Sanford Rose Associates® - Inflection Point