Sanford Rose Associates best practices

1 03, 2019

A Perpetual Prime of Life

By |2019-03-01T15:00:23-05:00March 1st, 2019|

As recruiters, there is a powerful question we ask candidates which typically elicits immediate pause, reflection, and authenticity in the answer. It is a question that catches most off guard, creates a feeling of nostalgia, and sometimes even prompts a smile. “At what point in your career did you [...]

2 01, 2019

Loss Aversion

By |2019-01-02T15:21:20-05:00January 2nd, 2019|

Imagine this scenario: a colleague offers to flip a coin and give you $20 if it lands on heads. If it lands on tails, you give him $20. Stop and ponder; would you accept that bet? For most of us, the answer is no. Behavioral science experts Amos Tversky [...]

1 11, 2018

The Culpability of Free Speech

By |2018-11-01T10:40:56-04:00November 1st, 2018|

If you had to pinpoint a turning point, it was perhaps the launch of CNN in June of 1980. Prior to CNN, news programming delivered relatively factual information for an hour or two a day. After CNN, although it was an amazing accomplishment to cover events live as they [...]

4 09, 2018

Become Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

By |2018-09-04T13:12:09-04:00September 4th, 2018|

No matter your role or how long you have been in it, we all have situations we would rather avoid. Scenarios can range from taking on a project in which you are not sure you will excel, having a difficult conversation with a client or colleague, or even simply [...]

27 06, 2018

Now What?

By |2018-06-27T18:56:02-04:00June 27th, 2018|

Take a moment to reflect on what has now been a long-circulating article via the internet and social media. Although it has a somber tone, it sets the stage for the purpose behind this month’s SRA Update. First, I was dying to finish high school and start college. And [...]

27 04, 2018

Who Thanks Whom?

By |2018-04-27T11:35:53-04:00April 27th, 2018|

A recent article penned for Inc by Suzanne Lucas made the bold statement: “Dear Hiring Manager, Perhaps You Should Write the Thank You Note.” She continues: “The traditional thank you note is from candidate to hiring manager. That's wrong… Just what are you exactly thanking the manager for? Taking [...]

19 12, 2017

Being Your Own Worst Critic

By |2017-12-19T17:18:08-05:00December 19th, 2017|

The holiday season is a time of celebration – spending time with family and friends, reflecting on the past year, and setting goals for the future. Most have a list of to-do’s before the end of the year; you have checked it twice, and the only objective is to [...]

5 07, 2017

A Culture of Confidence

By |2017-07-05T12:03:39-04:00July 5th, 2017|

Turns out, there are benefits that come from being a cocky teenager. Although your parents might have been counting down the days until you flew the nest, that swagger means you’ll likely end up earning a higher salary than those of your more modest friends. According to the Journal [...]

2 05, 2017

Refining the Relocation

By |2017-05-02T12:50:16-04:00May 2nd, 2017|

Hiring the best of the best? In many situations and for many roles, a commitment to employing the best candidates possible can sometimes involve relocation. Whether this a commonplace occurrence or one that is only approved under the most unique circumstances, there are copious and essential components of a [...]

20 12, 2016

Embracing the Entitled

By |2016-12-20T10:57:32-05:00December 20th, 2016|

Be honest; when you read the title of our SRA Update, did it immediately conjure up an image of a selfie-taking, social media addicted, text-obsessed millennial? Before we go any further, let us first take a moment and apologize to the recent generation entering the workforce. Turns out, there [...]

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