Reinventing Hiring Based on How the Best People Find New Jobs

This past month, I talked with a dozen companies about their hiring challenges. They were the exact same challenges a dozen different companies described to me last year. In fact, they were exactly the same ones from five years and 10 years ago. They all involved not having enough qualified candidates, managers who were not fully engaged, recruiters who weren’t good at recruiting, weak interviewers, lack of diversity, bias, etc., etc., etc.

The bigger surprise though is that everyone believes that the latest surefire hiring craze is the one that will finally turn the tide. This year’s is AI. I remember 25 years ago, it was job boards and the Internet. Twenty years ago, it was the ATS. Fifteen years ago, it was employer branding. Five years ago, it was big data and three years ago, it was the candidate experience. Same ‘ol, same ‘ol….


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Brian Binke, CEO of The Birmingham Group, Featured in Wall Street Journal
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