Kent Burns of Sanford Rose Associates – Simply Driven Search Featured in “How NOT to Stand Out in the Interview”


Kent Burns of Sanford Rose Associates – Simply Driven Search Featured in “How NOT to Stand Out in the Interview” 

Dallas, TX | 9/12/2014 By Quintessential Career Blog

Over the years, I’ve conducted mock interviews with several hundred college students. A question I frequently ask them is, “What accomplishment are you most proud of?”

At least 95 percent of the students I’ve interviewed have given the same response: graduation from college. Because most graduates will be competing for jobs for which a college degree is expected, I have always contended that “graduation from college” is not a strong response to the “proudest accomplishment” question. How will you stand out if you give the same response that most other college students and new grads give? Answer: You won’t.

I wanted to confirm my contention by asking hiring decision-makers if college graduation is a sufficient accomplishment. Consensus: It isn’t.

(the story continues)

“What students must remember is that the people against whom
they are competing for jobs can claim the same accomplishment,” advises Kent Burns of recruiting firm Sanford Rose
 Associates. “So in 
essence, graduation as a differentiating accomplishment comes off the table.
What I am looking for is something that clearly differentiates them from
someone else whose resume looks just like theirs. I’m interested in hearing
 examples of how they have exhibited creativity, problem solving, overcoming
 adversity and otherwise created a story that no one else can tell.”

Read the full article.


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