CEO of The Tolan Group, Tim Tolan, Featured in Money


CEO of Sanford Rose Associates® – The Tolan Group, Tim Tolan, Featured in Money, The Best Way to Explain the Gaps in Your Resume

By: Kristen Bahler

Plano, TX | 1/24/2017

The 2017 job market is shaping up to be the hottest in years, with employment on track to hit pre-recession levels by the spring, according to Brookings Institution projections. That’s good news for anyone planning to get back into the workforce after a career hiatus.

Tim Tolan of executive search firm Sanford Rose Associates suggests creating a “talk track” of clear success metrics from your past jobs. Include skills you picked up during the break. If you were helping a sick relative, maybe you created budgets and navigated the hospital system. Sprinkle those accomplishments into your story.

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Dan Toussant, Owner of Dan Toussant & Associates Authored “3 Business Leadership Tips From The Steve Jobs Story” Featured in Soar To Success
Chad Dean, Integrated Management, President and Managing Partner, Featured in Structured Credit Investor