Andy Miller, CEO of BrainWorks, Featured in Monster


Andy Miller, CEO of BrainWorks – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Featured in Monster, How Resume Search Can Improve Interview Outcomes

Dallas, TX | 8/26/2016

By: John Rossheim

You are looking to hire — and quickly. With your job description in hand, you begin to prepare for a slew of upcoming interviews. Yet this document alone may not provide the information you need to formulate the most pertinent interview questions for the job, particularly if the description happens to be incomplete.

Use data from similar past searches to set questions for new interviews. Analyze your past resume searches and gather data from the resumes of recent hires who have proven to be top performers. You can then interview candidates with similar profiles on paper in your face-to-face interviews.
“We learn things from similar searches we’ve done in the past,” says Andy Miller, CEO of search firm BrainWorks.

Read more:

Jeff Kaye, Co-CEO of SRAI, Featured in Hunt Scanlon
Tim Tolan, CEO of The Tolan Group, Featured in The Wall Street Journal