SRA K Russo Consulting

14 06, 2018

President of K. Russo Consulting, Karen Russo, Featured in Knox News

By |2018-06-14T11:45:38-04:00June 14th, 2018|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: President of K. Russo Consulting – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Karen Russo, Featured in Knox News, WorkWise: Compensation Challenges in Overseas Assignments By: Mildred Culp Plano, TX 6/14/2018 As recruiting becomes more difficult for employers and job-hunting less difficult for [...]

13 06, 2018

Karen Russo, President of K. Russo Consulting, Featured in Readers Digest

By |2018-06-13T14:51:50-04:00June 13th, 2018|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Karen Russo, President of K. Russo Consulting – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Featured in Readers Digest, 6 Things Your Boss Wishes You’d Stop Wearing to Work By: Marissa Laliberte Plano, TX 6/13/2018 You won't be getting a promotion in any [...]

15 05, 2017

President of K. Russo Consulting, Karen Russo, Featured in Westfair Online

By |2017-05-15T17:26:49-04:00May 15th, 2017|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: President of K. Russo Consulting - A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Karen Russo, Featured in Westfair Online, Making the Leap From College Campus to the Workplace Plano, TX 5/15/2017 It’s college graduation season again and another wave of millennials is leaving [...]

7 11, 2016

President of K. Russo Consulting, Karen Russo, Featured in GoodCall

By |2016-11-07T10:16:49-05:00November 7th, 2016|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: President of K. Russo Consulting - A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Karen Russo, Featured in GoodCall, Unusual Jobs Held By U.S. Presidents Demonstrate Success Traits Dallas, TX 11/7/2016 Most U.S. presidents are or were college grads – although Abraham Lincoln and [...]

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