Sanford Rose Associates – telehealth/mHealth Practice

3 09, 2013

Show Me The Money Featuring Roz Ben-Chitrit, President of Sanford Rose Associates – Southern Connecticut

By |2013-09-03T14:56:57-04:00September 3rd, 2013|

BY: ROZ BEN-CHITRIT Published: Tuesday, September 3, 2013 Telehealth and mHealth are "hot" in terms of expected growth. While "experts" disagree on the rate and size of growth, and what solutions are included under these terms, the numbers are still huge. Transparency Market Research predicts growth of the mHealth [...]

14 06, 2013

Rosy Future for Telemedicine Featuring Roz Ben-Chitrit, President of Sanford Rose Associates – Southern Connecticut

By |2013-06-14T09:57:24-04:00June 14th, 2013|

BY: ROZ BEN-CHITRIT Published in, June 11, 2013 Editor’s intro: Record attendance at last month’s American Telemedicine Association conference points to the fact that interest in telehealth/telemedicine/mHealth is rising rapidly. Why is that? What’s driving people to look into telehealth now versus pushing it off like they used [...]

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