Karen Russo

14 06, 2018

President of K. Russo Consulting, Karen Russo, Featured in Knox News

By |2018-06-14T11:45:38-04:00June 14th, 2018|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: President of K. Russo Consulting – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Karen Russo, Featured in Knox News, WorkWise: Compensation Challenges in Overseas Assignments By: Mildred Culp Plano, TX 6/14/2018 As recruiting becomes more difficult for employers and job-hunting less difficult for [...]

13 06, 2018

Karen Russo, President of K. Russo Consulting, Featured in Readers Digest

By |2018-06-13T14:51:50-04:00June 13th, 2018|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Karen Russo, President of K. Russo Consulting – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Featured in Readers Digest, 6 Things Your Boss Wishes You’d Stop Wearing to Work By: Marissa Laliberte Plano, TX 6/13/2018 You won't be getting a promotion in any [...]

15 05, 2017

President of K. Russo Consulting, Karen Russo, Featured in Westfair Online

By |2017-05-15T17:26:49-04:00May 15th, 2017|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: President of K. Russo Consulting - A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Karen Russo, Featured in Westfair Online, Making the Leap From College Campus to the Workplace Plano, TX 5/15/2017 It’s college graduation season again and another wave of millennials is leaving [...]

7 11, 2016

President of K. Russo Consulting, Karen Russo, Featured in GoodCall

By |2016-11-07T10:16:49-05:00November 7th, 2016|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: President of K. Russo Consulting - A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Karen Russo, Featured in GoodCall, Unusual Jobs Held By U.S. Presidents Demonstrate Success Traits Dallas, TX 11/7/2016 Most U.S. presidents are or were college grads – although Abraham Lincoln and [...]

13 10, 2015

K. Russo Consulting Inc. Joins the Sanford Rose Associates® Executive Search

By |2015-10-13T17:23:08-04:00October 13th, 2015|

October 13, 2015 K. Russo Consulting Inc. Joins the Sanford Rose Associates® Executive Search Sanford Rose Associates® Executive Search Network expands its footprint with the partnership of K. Russo Consulting Inc., the newest member of the Sanford Rose Associates (SRA) network of offices. K. Russo Consulting specializes in executive [...]

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