Bob Hadick, President of Russ Hadick & Associates, Featured in GoodCall


Bob Hadick, President of Russ Hadick & Associates – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices Featured in GoodCall, Want to be a Millionaire? Tech is a Better Bet Than Sports

Plano, 2/28/2017

By Terri Williams

Many people dream of being a professional athlete, basking in the adulation of a legion of fans and swimming in money. But if you’re really serious about accumulating wealth, your odds of becoming a millionaire are much better if you pursue a career as a technical engineer.

For those concerned that IT may level off – it will, eventually, but don’t expect a leveling off anytime soon. “This is and will be a growing and job rich industry,” according to Bob Hadick, president of Russ Hadick & Associates, Inc – a member of the Sanford Rose Associates (SRA) Network. “With baby boomers retiring, and more and more companies using technology to replace parts of the workforce, there will always be a high demand for IT professionals,” says Hadick.

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The Next Generation of Leadership
Peg Newman, Managing Partner of SRA - Newman Group, Featured in XpertHR